Rolling down that hill

Ah, yes! There I sit on my bicycle at the top of a hill, looking down, ready to set myself loose. The nerves build up and I try to rid myself of them by psyching myself up. I try my best to not think about what I am about to do, knowing full well it is not safe, but I am young and must be eager to live life to the fullest. So, I start my frantic peddling down the hill. Soon enough, I am speeding down the hill, unable to keep control of the bicycle. I speed over a bump and launch the bicycle slightly into the air, causing me to lose some of my balance, which throws me off the seat and onto the bicycle’s frame. The cog bends, throwing the chain off it and there I am applying the brakes with my hands and knee that were being kissed ever so roughly by the front tyre. My family jewels get spread apart only after being clobbered by the shiny metal frame.

While careening down the hill, my mind kicks into survival mode and I do everything I can to bring my out-of-control self to a stop. With enough effort, I came to a painful stop. I climb off the bicycle to assess what remains on me and what got left behind on the hill. Aside from some skin having come off my knee and pain in the nether regions, everything is still hanging on me. I limp back home with the bicycle in my grasp and blood running down my leg. The next couple of moments were agonising because I had to pull bits of rubber and asphalt out of my skin. Once I completed my task, I spent the next couple of weeks limping around school in pain and with a newfound respect for bicycle riding.

Much time has passed since this event during my high school days, and I can say that injuries from the past have a nasty habit of making their presence known when you get older. So, it is best to be as kind to your body as you can and treat it like a temple because you only have one body that must see you through to the end. Thus, when you are as healthy as possible, you will reap the rewards throughout your life. Beyond the body, it applies to the mind as well. Every action of ours will have repercussions for the future, which is why we must make the best decisions we can in the present to ensure we will not come to regret them in the future. Thus, it is important to think about what the consequences of your actions will be before you act in a way you should not.


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