Do you know where you are?

The sun began its drawn-out farewell for that day as it started to disappear behind the mountains outside the dining room window. I sat there in silence as I waved it goodbye, knowing it would make its grand return the following day. I broke out in a smile as I began my journey travelling back into my past. I got up from the chair as I acknowledged how much I had changed over the years, if I am being more specific, since December 2022. In some shape or form, I barely recognise the individual who stands looking out the window. I know it is me, but so much has changed and evolved over the years that my thoughts are no longer what they used to be.

I decide to spend some time outside in the fresh air before the sun says its final goodbye while I battle with the question hanging over my head. Do I know where I am? While I ponder this question, the breeze makes its presence known with a slight chill. The weather is getting cooler, as winter is soon to step on the stage and put on a show over the next three months for us, which does not bother me in the slightest. I was born in winter, which is a boon for me! So, I can take the cold. However, even though I love the cold, I decided it would be better to head inside and unpack the question further.

During high school, I had an idea about where I was going to be in the future. Little did I know that I would encounter psychology and philosophy in my studies at university. My life has gone in a completely different direction from what I thought it would go. Look! It is not as if I am upset with this new direction. To be truthful, I am grateful that it has changed as drastically as it has, as I am not sure how my life would have turned out if it continued down the path I had set in high school.

While pondering about my past and the question within my mind, I have arrived at the answer with certainty I would not have had a couple of years back. Without a doubt, I am where I want to be in life, working toward my doctorate and directing my efforts to help others. Even though I know where I am concerning that aspect, I must still come clean that I stand in the unknown. My current position is one I have never experienced before in my life, and that makes it incredibly difficult to navigate. Not knowing the way forward in the traditional sense I used to know is rather frightening. However, it is not as if I am completely lost. I know where the end goal is, which is simply figuring out how to get there, and because it is all new to me, there is no manual I can refer to or advice I can ask myself to help me get there without going through the school of hard knocks. Regardless, I shall be more resilient and better off after seeing this current journey of mine through to the end. Even if it might be strenuous, I can truthfully say that I am enjoying the journey and am currently proud of where I am. With my conclusion in hand, I know I can rest easy, but to ensure, I meditate on the thoughts before heading to bed, and after sorting out my thoughts, I draw the same conclusion again.


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