Several days have passed by at a medium pace, and I have recently taken notice of my calm demeanour. I have begun to look at life and the people around me from a different perspective. It might be due to the new experiences I have immersed myself in as of late that have allowed me to learn a couple of lessons. Oh, yes! Forgive me for forgetting a vital detail. It would seem I have taken the time to practice longer and more fulfilling meditation sessions, which could very well be one of the most significant contributing factors to my sense of calm.
However, I would be remiss if I did not mention immersing myself in conversation. It might not present itself in a manner that would lead you to believe how calming it can be (depending purely on your experiences with the art of conversation). But I assure you that given the right setting and person, you are on your way to a fulfilling and tranquil experience. When you get given the space and time to express yourself fully, it can provide a fantastic means of releasing stress and anxiety. Of course, the proof is in the pudding. Having said all that, I encourage you to go out there and find someone to connect with, as it could change the trajectory of your life.
Of course, when seeking clarity, it is not a task purely left to the self. Having the means to discuss particular matters with others allows me to obtain a different perspective that would not have been possible alone. Additionally, a conversation is a means to allow your brain to think about it while you discuss it. Sometimes, we need to hear someone else repeat what we have said or even the question we have asked in order to view it differently. That act alone triggers something within the brain to start thinking differently, simply because it did not come from your mouth or mind.
Nonetheless, allow me to backtrack for a moment. I mentioned meditation for a good reason. When I meditate, I am able to organise my thoughts in a rational and coherent manner that allows me to make sense of the chaos within me. There is a clarity I am able to obtain through this manner that brings a sense of calm and understanding I would not have otherwise. Now that we are at the end, I believe I have some final words. What you walk away with after engaging in said activities depends on you. There are times when you are having a conversation, and it enters its relaxation phase where the tone of voice becomes softer, and neither of you speaks loudly. It is a good time for relaxation and quality time. Something we tend to forget in the mad rush of our day, and if this is indulgent, then I would not have it any other way.