Sometimes, it’s better to walk away

As much as I am a fan, like the next person to clinging on for life to a cactus, there comes a time in everyone’s life when they must realise the pain they are causing themselves and then begin the process of letting go. Sure, sometimes we like to test our mettle and see how we can outdo the next person as we vie for the top position of pain master. However, that cactus is a little mixture of denial and a strong dose of delusion that is quite dangerous as we convince ourselves that it is best we continue to hang around in certain toxic relationships because we are sure that whatever it is currently will be better in the near future.

Seeing as neither of us has a crystal ball, it is best to look at your current predicament and draw the necessary conclusions. That is right! Sometimes, it is better to walk away. It might seem scary at first, but there is little to fear. Especially when walking away brings immediate benefit to your mental and physical health. I get it! There are times when we convince ourselves that what we have is the best there is to have, but we fail to realise that the world contains billions of people, so there will be others out there who will be a great fit.

Outside of relationships are interactions we have with others. There are instances when we face a troublesome situation or an argument that leaves us with the short end of the stick. We can find ourselves with no resolution or in a position that is far worse than before. It can leave us with a complete loss if we stay.

In such situations, it is better to walk away than to stay. In doing so, we communicate a message to others. The message is somewhat simple but effective. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you are being taken advantage of and feel powerless, walking away shows the other person that you have power. The power to walk away! It communicates that you will not entertain what does not work for you and that no matter what might transpire, they cannot have power or control over you. You make a choice to leave and not partake in the suffering that is on offer. Most important of all, it shows you do not have the fear to walk away from a bad deal, as many people remain with the fear of losing something. Of course, each situation you find yourself in is different and requires you to determine if it is worthwhile to stay or walk away. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution or action a person can implement in every situation. However, as long as you make the best choice for yourself in that moment, that is all that matters. Most critical of all, do not be afraid to walk away, especially when you feel that is the best option you have available to you.


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