OK! Who messed with the time?

The day appeared like many others, and nothing made its presence known that would raise the alarm. However, I made the horrible mistake of looking at my identity document that lay innocently in my wallet when I meant to go for my bank card. What’s this the document states? I’m thirty years old. “Impossible!” I cry out. It was the other day when I was contemplating what to do when I turned eighteen and left high school. Did I perhaps use the time machine I’ve been hiding in my cupboard during my sleepwalking adventures and over the past days did not realise that I woke up in the future a whole twelve years later? I knew something seemed off; the first clue should have been my clothes not fitting me any more! Wait a minute, did I put on weight? The mirror confirms my worst fears. Clearly, I had a pit stop in the pantry before making it to the year of destination. Who knows, I’m still unclear on this time-travelling technology.

All those years which sneaked past me like a world-class spy seemed to have happened in a flash. One minute, I was there, and the next, I was here. I can only think about everything I missed out on and didn’t get around to doing. Look! I swear I would have gotten to all of them if someone told me that time would fly by before my eyes. I wouldn’t have sat there thinking how I have the next day and the next day after that day, so there is no need to rush things. I would hate to refer to myself as a procrastinator, so the time machine story seems the most plausible because I am not a procrastinator! Don’t worry. I will get to writing the next big thing tomorrow, or whenever; I mean to say, there is no rush because I have the whole week to do it, says the past self that let the entire day get away from him without doing anything at all. The present self can only console and remind me that it’s not procrastination because it is clearly artistic patience in waiting for inspiration.

Now that we have clarified this matter, I can move on to the main problem. The problem of time passing me by and my lack of ability to keep up with the passing time. Every activity I convince myself I can complete in thirty minutes tops, I still sit there two hours later, not even close to finishing it. OK! Someone needs to explain themselves. Either it’s me who is grossly underestimating how long something will take (most likely the case, but my pride won’t allow this to stand), or it is time who is playing a dirty trick on me (my pride pushes towards this one). Clearly, time is at fault. It leads me to believe I shall take a couple of minutes, and as soon as I sit down to begin working, time speeds itself up. I get it, I get it! Time, listen to me! It was funny the first few times, especially when I was younger, but now I feel like you are experiencing pleasure in my misery.

I should take the ancient philosophers more seriously when they say to live each day as if it were your last. Well, if I could only remember how I’ve been spending each day, I might make progress in understanding my failings. Well, I guess I’m beginning to understand my failings. I live each day like a zombie, in a very unconscious manner, it would seem. I have been on autopilot for many years now and have been doing some things I care not to mention for the sake of saving myself some embracement and to prevent you from feeling secondhand embracement. Speaking of ancient philosophers, I doubt they considered modern life, and some might think that because it’s their last day, they might as well rob a bank. Seeing as though it might not be my ending days, I don’t consider spending the rest of my days in jail a good deal. So, I know limitations apply!

Why even worry about time, as it will pass by regardless of what I do? Those who come to regret the time passing by are those who do nothing with their lives and come to regret all that they wished they had done but never did. However, if you push yourself daily towards your goals, you will have no regret as time passes by at breakneck speed, and you will be smiling and experiencing satisfaction at everything you have achieved.


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