The elephant on my shoulders!

It starts as any other ‘normal’ day. There is nothing out of the ordinary to raise the alarms. But as
the day progresses, there is an experience of weight. This weight only gets heavier as the days
roll on. Even though the thought that we can sleep it off has crossed our minds many times each
time we wake to a ‘brand’ new day, the only change it has brought is a heavier weight. What is
this weight? We begin to wonder to ourselves – as it seems to be getting heavier and heavier.
We ponder the origins of this weight, but even these thoughts produce no results to tell us where
it comes from. Sometimes, we even try to ignore this weight, hoping it disappears, but are
disappointed to learn that it has not dried up like the water spilt in the backyard this morning
under the hot morning sun. We come to understand that this weight is like that leaking toilet pipe
that gets your socks wet each time you enter the bathroom and will only stop its leaking when it
is patched up and fixed.

In our busy days in this modern era, we find ourselves having less and less time for ourselves,
and thus, the mystery of where the weight comes from continues to be a mystery to us. Perhaps
the source of this weight we have been bearing has many sources. The many roots of this beast
spread far and wide, growing ever larger and heavier as society grows in equal stead. Is this the
affliction of modern society? Oh, what form doth thy take, my dear old friend of suffering? Oh!
You are an elephant this time, I see! Have you outgrown your days of being a pig? I wonder who
has fed you and morphed you into such an unsightly sight for sore eyes? You might have been
beautiful when you laid waste in the garden of others, but now that you have leapt over the
fence and even my garden and straight onto my shoulders, I find you to be quite an ugly sight.
When you were not the bother to me and those I love, you were quite the sight to behold, so
why then have you decided I should be the subject of your affection? If ever you come to
understand what affection is in the first place!

As the world would have it, I should become stronger in order to carry this newfound weight.
Perhaps, if I become strong enough, I could ask for another elephant to carry on my shoulders,
and then another and another, and so on, until I become what? The elephant merchant?
Perhaps more fitting would be the elephant tamer! What use would this be? I wonder because
one cannot transfer mental strength and fortitude to another person, but one can teach it to
those who want to learn and find strength within themselves to overcome!

However, this tendency to flex a strength by requesting more suffering for the sake of proving to
the self, nay, to the world, that you possess a strength that no other does, only to see the
foundations of your home crumble to pieces. Make no mistake! Taking on more suffering does
not make a person stronger, especially when your pride won’t let you admit you have bitten off
more than you can chew. So, what do we do in this case? We carry the burdens together, of
course! We ask for help, even when our pride wants us not to! Lastly, we do not allow elephants
to climb on our shoulders!


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