When I think about the future for myself and the planet we call Earth, I wonder what the future
holds for us all. Thinking about the future has become a pain since I accidentally misplaced my
crystal ball while raiding a magical castle in dreamland. Presently, I sit with a problem that brings
me much pain. I know I need to move on, but my life has become filled with much anxiety over
the unknown.
I am a realist as I no longer have it to peer into the future, and the one I ordered got lost while
being delivered because of where I live in the world. It is now in the present that I write this that I
can confirm my crystal ball magic was a thing of the past. Where those crystal balls lay now, I
can only wonder. I only hope they have not landed in evil hands. Even if they do, we can all rest
assured that they will not be able to use the balls, as they were all fake. Not a single person in
this world can tell what will happen in the future. And, if you were to ask me, I would say that it is
a scary thought indeed. We as humans live in the unknown and have no idea what will happen
in the future. That even includes what will happen in the next few minutes! Sure, by all means, I
know with certainty that the Earth will not combust and blow up in the next few minutes. You
see, I was right. But these notions we are all too familiar with and know like the back of our
hands. Oh wait, that is a new spot I have never seen before on my hand. I do not know the back
of my hands as well as I thought I did, on the account that I am not constantly looking at them.
Regardless of how my hands might look now, the point still stands. Earth surely will not blow up
in the next few minutes. See, I told you so a second time! Even though you and I know this very
well, everything else we do not know remains a mystery. It is those things we have no idea if
they will happen in the next couple of moments, days, months, years, or not even happen at all
which make us worry as we do.
Even though the future can be uncertain, we do not need to fear it. Why should we not fear the
future? Well, if they are events that we have no control over, what is the point of having fear for
them when we cannot change them in the slightest? I feel there is no point. The applicability
concerns the future of each human being. The nature of certain parts of our future depends on
the choices we make in the present. So, start making some choices that will shape your future.
When I write about choice, I speak of the ones you can think about and be proud of, even if they
did not work out. What should sit well with you is that you made the best choices with what was
available. Being conscious of this makes it easy to see why that would matter the most.
Now that we are in the present, one thing we can look to the past for are lessons from which we
can learn. If you are learning, then you are progressing, and that progress you make is one step
closer to making better choices in the present.
I have come to tell myself all this as often as possible, but a battle continues to rage within me. I
know that I must not fear the future, yet I have anxiety about the future. The many scenarios I
play out within my mind drive me mad.