The tea party down the rabbit hole

If you see a rabbit outside its burrow inviting you in for a little party with a certain someone, make sure to decline and move on with your life. You see, I’ve made the mistake of accepting such an invitation, and now I’m stuck having a tea party for the rest of my life, and the host is a complete madman with nothing but causing my insanity on his mind. However, I sit at the end of the tea table in a disagreeable mood. “I want clarity!” I say countless times, but riddle after riddle greets me. What is this man, and what is up with this hat he always wears? Sure, I’m a little jealous and would like to add the hat to my collection for some weekend wear, but what’s the point when I can’t leave and go back the way I came? Once the tea party starts, it never ends!

Is this even the pursuit of truth anymore? Especially when it seems to become more twisted the longer I spend at the tea party. I wonder how much deeper the rabbit hole goes, but I needn’t wonder all that much, for it is far deeper than I could ever imagine. I continue to get invited to the next never-ending tea party. There is the choice to go deeper or stop at the current party, but why stop when I’m already this deep into the journey? It seems ridiculous to even consider stopping when both are likely to end in madness, but who really knows? After all, who has descended to the bottom of the rabbit hole? So far, no end is in reach, and if this end has no conclusion in sight, then what does the decent lead to? I have little need to spell out the outcome for you, as every descent ends the same. There is no difference between the each decent a person could partake in. It is the journey that differs and how we arrive at the end.

I may make it seem as though two choices are available to me. However, this is a lie. There are other options, some more maddening than others, and some too palpable and sad that I see little point in mentioning them. I have a series of choices I must make each waking moment, and once you start, you cannot stop. I cannot stop until I know what I have set to find, no matter how hard it might get. My mind cannot rest until I reach some conclusion concerning the burning questions that stoke the fires within. My friend, this is not a descent into madness but one into enlightenment! Each step down the rabbit hole reveals another truth I did not yet know, which I am grateful for!

Perhaps you might think I am a little mad and twisted, but you fail to remember you sit at the tea table with me. The difference is I admit and recognise where I am, and you deny where you are. In fact, you sit there with your eyes closed, humming to yourself in hopes the situation ceases to be. My friend, this could never be the case! Such a situation does not resolve itself, and currently, where you are cannot change. We all sit at the tea table! Some choose to explore further, some make the choice to turn away frantically distracting themselves from the madness, some enjoy their time, some cut it short, and some never begin it.

Do you see it now? We are all down the rabbit hole!


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