The thoughts in my mind

I think that it is quite amazing how much our minds can wonder from place to place in such an effortless manner. It can wonder on without much in its way, it would seem. But, in its wondering there is something terrible that can happen. That is wondering into pessimism and negative thoughts. More so in some people, while others would merely be there for a brief moment in time. Even so, such thoughts can derail a person from the course they had charted for themselves, and in some, it is to remain in the realm of darkness. The very realm that only stands to breed more negative thoughts, that not only have an effect on you as a person, but also damages the relationship you have with others.

Often are the times that our negative thoughts can come into the light of reality, where we genuinely believe that grossly exaggerated negative thoughts that lead us to believe others are out to get us, or think poorly of us, so on and so forth. We do not even hesitate for a moment to question whether these thoughts have any basis of reality, because they seem so real to begin with. In such a state of mind, nothing positive could possibly exist, as anything positive is seen as unrealistic in nature.

The nature of such negative thoughts is that it creates further negative thoughts. Thus, it becomes very difficult to get out of thinking negatively and soon you can find yourself overcome by negativity. I often find myself in this position, overcome by negativity in which nothing positive can be found within my thoughts. It becomes very difficult to identify when you are in such a state of mind, especially when it has persisted for a very long time. So much so, that it seems to become a way of life. It is through our interaction with others that our negative thinking is brought to light, and this is the time when we can truly become aware of just how much negativity we have been stewing in.

When I am overcome by such negative thoughts, I often have to ask myself just how realistic these thoughts of mine are. Even if such a question might not produce fruits, press on I must. I then ask myself where these thoughts originated from. Often, the times when I am able to trace these thoughts back to their origins do I become aware of their true nature. It is through this that I can begin to understand why these thoughts of mine have come about, and by understanding this it becomes much easier to determine if they have any ounce of realism in them. It is a long drawn-out process especially when you decide to tackle it on your own, but involving others speeds up the process as it becomes much easier to identify bad thoughts in the first place. It is important to know, that a person must have balanced thoughts. Thus, a person’s thoughts must not be too positive or too negative, as you must have a bit of both as well as neutral thoughts to go with it.


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