The true self and not being it

What is the self really? Who am I really? Are thoughts we tend to have from time to time. Some reaching an answer they like, while others not sure, and some not happy with the conclusion they draw from said questions. No matter what answer you might derive from these questions, something rather important needs to be kept in mind. That being the self is dynamic and ever changing. You, as a person, will not remain the same throughout your life. You will constantly be changed by the events you go through, whether that be biological, or non-biological, you will experience something that will change your life and the way you currently think. That is quite alright, as it means you are human. Even those who think they do not change, go through changes that they are not currently conscious of.  It is only when you take a step back and take the time out to think will you come to see the changes you were not aware of before. So, keeping in mind that the human being is dynamic and subject to change, will go a long way to accepting and understanding the changes you go through within your life.

Which brings us to the question of the true self. Am I genuine, or am I pretending to be who I am not? No doubt, this is a difficult question to answer, especially when we are still figuring out who we are as a person. I, know all too well about sitting and pondering whether or not I am being my true self, or if I am playing a different character in order to fit into a particular situation, or group. To some degree we as humans put on an act for others, especially when out in public. Which is why we have the private and public personas; among the many personas we can have as a person. Are they genuine self or not? If they stem from within, then they are all part of who we are as a person, and thus could be considered part of the genuine self. But perhaps those personas that we choose to emulate that are found within others, could be considered to be disingenuous in nature. But what of the very ones we emulate that become part of who we are, do these still fall outside of the genuine self? This, no doubt is tricky to answer. But, if it becomes part of your very functioning as a human being, then we can in all likelihood consider it part of the genuine self. The genuine self can also be seen through a person’s words and actions, this has to do with what you say and do being in align with one another. Simply put, the person’s actions are a direct reflection of their words.

It should be clear already, that who we see ourselves as is ever changing in nature. We can see through many human beings, that we are many shades of the same person depending on the situation, event, or state of mind you find yourself in. If a person chooses to model their actions, thoughts, and behaviours after others, it is something that forms part of the self. This is especially true when it fits into our daily lives, thought processes, perceptions and judgements. Never be afraid to embrace the new, and rid yourself of the old, especially if the new is better than the old that came before it. Lastly, if you feel comfortable with who you are and everything that you have incorporated into your daily life, and if you find yourself confident in that making you who you are, then you should not have hesitation is seeing it as your true self.


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