It usually happens when you least expect it to. You might just be sitting there minding your own business, carrying on with your day without a single notion for things about to turn South. At first you notice something different, a slight discomfort to your current state of being. You might think to yourself, “boy do I feel a bit strange”, but you do not pay it too much mind and carry on with what was taking your full attention. But then it happens, a particular emotion begins to surface like a war submarine ready to strike its unsuspecting victim. No one sees it until it is too late. This emotion you begin to feel is at first unfamiliar and you cannot quite identify what emotion it might be. But much like the frog in boiling water, you are already full swing in your experience of this emotion.
This is alarming to you, as you have put a considerable amount of effort in pushing all the emotions you were about to experience to the depths of your mind. You thought they were buried for good, but here they are having turned into unimaginable beasts. I myself, cannot quite say what it is about such emotions that seem to come out of the blue from what seems to be nowhere. One thing I can think them to be, are the accumulation of emotions that have not been dealt with. Thus, they just grow and grow until they cannot be contained anymore. It becomes difficult to deal with too, simply because we cannot quite process what has brought these emotions about.
It is in these moments I find it useful to take a step back from what I am doing and find a place that is quiet so I can think about my new emotional state. At first, I cannot quite understand the origins of my emotions, but with enough time tracing back all the events I have gone through to determine if they were emotionally provoking or not. Soon enough, my mind leads me right to those emotionally upsetting events, and I soon come to understand just what is bothering me. However, even when I work through the immediately obvious ones, there are still certain emotions that remain that I am unable to resolve. I can only think that they have been buried so deep, that they have not risen from the dead like they surely would have in a zombie movie. I usually find with these residual emotions, taking my time and stepping away enough times for the rest of the day, and sometimes even for a couple of days, produces the results I desire. Working through those emotions I have lingering around.
In the end, I feel the best course of action, is to not bury those emotions in the first place. Dealing with them as soon as they present themselves is far better than letting it stew like the food left in those pots that have yet to be washed, and by the time the decision is made to wash them, mould fills your nostrils and threatens to make you sick.