I kicked a tree, and now my foot hurts!

One thing we cannot escape as humans, are our emotions. We can get upset, and try and take our anger out on things, but in the end, this hurts us more than anything else. Why be calm when we can be upset. So upset that our anger wells up within us, to the point where we need to get physical. Any object near us will do, in fact, the very object that is part of our anger or in our hands will be perfect. It is now time for this very object to head for the hills and run. However, it cannot do this, as it is a cellphone. Thus, it was always doomed. We might bend it, hit it, or better yet, throw it across the room with enough force to make those in the aerodynamics department wonder if flat rectangles could fly. Luckily for me, my bed was in the perfect location to soften the blow. But I can assure you, when I decided to pick a fight with a wall nothing could have softened the blow for my poor hand. Yes, even I myself have given in to my emotions, and have paid dearly for it through hurting myself.

Once we have let out our anger, we think we have achieved relief in some shape or form. This is usually followed by regret for having done such a thing in the first place. Rinse and repeat, over and over. Some think it is better out than in, but this is actually incorrect. By venting this way, you only encourage yourself to continue to vent in this manner. Which, I am sure you can see by now that it is not very constructive. All this aggression and anger breeds more aggression and anger. You teach yourself it is fine to vent in this manner. Similar to punching a wall when you are upset, which leads to you hurting yourself more than anything else. Similar to venting by taking your frustrations out on others, you hurt them and yourself in the process. But, because you have released the built-up pressure, you begin to feel better than what you were. Thus, you begin to think it is an effective method for getting rid of your frustrations. However, this is not the case, as it is not constructive in the slightest but is in fact destructive.

Having this pressure build up within us is no good, but it is how we deal with it that will determine if we set ourselves up for future success or failure. Dealing with your frustrations in a more constructive manner, such as directing it towards solutions, would prove far more beneficial to you as a person. When we take it out on others, and even ourselves, we only end up hurting people. The very people we claim to love. Should we not love ourselves, and those around us who are important to us? It should be clear. If we hurt ourselves, then we damage the very body and mind we need for important things, and thus, can prevent ourselves from ever becoming the best we could. That goes for hurting others too! We take away from them, something important, and end up hurting their chances of becoming their best. Who would continue to support us, when we make people feel small, do not show them respect, do not take into account their feelings and thoughts? The reality is, people eventually walk away from such situations, and soon we see ourselves left with no one around us. Lastly, how could we possibly show love to others when we do not love ourselves? Perhaps, this is all some food for thought…


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