Built for comfort?

There can be little doubt, but most of us like to live comfortably. This not only refers to the material sense, but also to our comfort zones. If I had to whisper some the word of ‘change’ into your ear, it should become all too clear just what I mean. We all tend to avoid change to a certain extent, especially when we have become familiar with the way we do things on a daily basis. These very things that become habitual for us, those are the very things we are most afraid to change. Simply, because we know them so well, and they have become part of our daily lives.

Little do we know, that when we are comfortable and do not invite change into our lives, we stagnate! We become fixated, not just in our behaviour but also in our way of thinking. This is a problem, especially if both are detrimental to ourselves and others around us. That is why, a good idea of bringing change into your life should be embraced. As it is, if it is hard, then it is worth doing. Well, at least that is the philosophy I tend to follow. The reason is rather simple. You see, what is easy does not have as much value as something that is hard to work towards. The easy, is what everyone can do on a lazy Sunday afternoon. But, what is hard takes effort and persistence.

When we take up the challenge to change, we gain value in the end as a result of the change we are affecting into our lives. Being comfortable, means we are not moving. Liken it to you being comfortable in bed, or on the couch. If you think about what being comfortable means during these actions, it is easy to see that it involves very little movement, if any movement at all. That is what I am getting at here. When we are comfortable, we do not move anywhere and are therefore not making progress to anything at all. If we are, then it is in all likelihood at a snail’s pace. Just know, that in discomfort, we grow and learn. We change as people, and often we change for the better. We grow from what we learn and experience, which makes us even more ready for when we are presented with something similar in the future. We learn how to adapt and be flexible, and that goes a long way when it comes to situations, we are likely to find ourselves in.

Change is great when viewed as an opportunity to progress to something better. When we see it as an opportunity to learn, it is something that will stick with us for the rest of our lives. And, with what we can learn, and how we can grow from change, we stand to become more resilient than what we were before. So, it is time to cast aside your negative views of change, and embrace it more positively as an opportunity to grow into something else.


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