A great leap forward- from then to now.

Every decision, one could make in life comes with its own uncertainty.  We wonder if what we are doing is going to end up benefiting us — or costing us dearly.  Seeing as how none of us have a crystal ball to consult on our days of uncertainty, we have no choice but to take a great leap forward into the unknown.  The very unknown that keeps us locked into a job, or place we wish to break free from. We as humans, it would seem, would rather deal with the terrible than face the unknown in order to bring change into our lives.

As much as I can put into words that one must face the unknown, it is far harder to live out those very words and notions.  I myself have been faced with making a hard choice to leave my job and throw myself into a world of uncertainty that has very little security.  Was it tough? Without a doubt it was tough, to the point where I would doubt my decision on a daily basis.  I would constantly ponder on whether I should have put up with working at a place that was placing a lot of strain on my physical and mental health.  My back felt as if it were against the wall, and all my options had dried up right before my eyes.  This was untrue of course, as it was desperation that led me to believe that my options were limited.  Once I was out of the state of desperation and left my job, I realised that it was one of the greatest decisions of my life.  It freed me, allowed me to reflect and collect myself once again.  Most importantly, it gave me the time I needed to finish my qualification at university.

With all things though, this had to come to an end eventually, and indeed it did. After my qualification I decided I needed to work once more.  Little did I know I would step into a job far worse than anything I had done before.  To avoid the agonising details of the job I most hated, which led me to hate myself in the process for ever taking it out of desperation, I shall keep it brief.  I lasted over 3 years and decided to quit the job before I quit life.  Greatest decision of my life? You bet it was.

These two moves were great leaps forward into the unknown.  But that was not to be the end of the great leaps, for I am here writing this for a company I can call partly mine. That is right, I decided to take a great leap forward and start a business in coaching with Liz.  With my qualifications, and current studies in philosophy and psychology, I plan on using them for the express purpose of helping others.  It has been a hard road, and no doubt will continue to be one. But that is life. For every move forward to success, there will be a rocky road one has to walk down. So, here is to the past, present, and future.


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