Walking the plank.

No doubt, if we have lived at least one day of our lives, we can feel abandoned at times. We can even feel forced out of certain groups and places, when we feel that we have done nothing wrong in the first place. We ponder on what has brought about such an action against us, and no good answer is forthcoming.  We blame ourselves for what is happening, even if we are not the cause of such action, this does not stop us. We turn to ourselves, as we lunge forward to attack. We speak the words that no one else has as we cast hatred upon ourselves for what has happened. But words are never enough it would seem, and so, we become physical with ourselves. This is our urge to punish because we feel that if bad things happen to us, then surely, we must be bad. And bad people must be punished and so the physical assault begins. We hurt ourselves more than what others hurt us.

We think, because we were forced to walk the plank, then we were never for the group that is ejecting us. We never played our part the mind thinks. Surely them forcing us out of the group is because I have done something wrong! Surely, it is because I am bad! But is this the truth? Of course not! Reflection is key. You need to reflect on your actions, as there are times when a person truly does something wrong.  But this is not always the case. Just being different is enough of a cause to see you get the boot. Even challenging the dogmatic thinking, norms and values within a group is enough to see you get the boot. It is not necessarily that you are bad in any shape or form. Even not being invited into a group does not equate to you being bad, ugly or any other notions you have within that head of yours. I shall remind you – people can be nasty simply because you walk a particular way or because you wear certain clothes.

So, before you turn to yourself with hatred, think about what you have done. Ask if you have done anything wrong in the first place. And if you are sure, you have done nothing wrong then have no hatred, just walk away from a group you should not have involved yourself with in the first place. Especially if their behaviour is reflective of individuals who are devoid of logic and reason. Love thy self, so that you have the strength to find people who are similar to you. The very people that will cherish, love and care about you. They are out there, some of us just have to search a little harder and longer than the rest. And, you know what? That is perfectly fine. After all, what is harder and takes longer to find, is far more valuable than that which is in abundance and can be stumbled across on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Think about it, gold is worth more than that little piece of gravel that you stood on last weekend. With that being said, find your crowd, find your people, and do not walk the plank for anyone. After all, you are the captain of your ship, not anyone else.


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