Here’s to the unknown

We can feel either way about the unknown, you can be scared of it, or you can face it head on with courage. There will be many trying times in life that will push us to the limit, I am sure there have been already, it is up to us to face the challenges head on or run away from them in which you will never know what it would have been like. The unknown maybe scary for the most part but if we never face it head on them, we will never know if it is as bad as we make it seem, we will never know if it something that is easily conquered because the mental hurdles, we create always seem bigger than what they actually are. We have to face the unknown head on and immerse ourselves right in the middle of the action. Do not resist what is happening within this action, you must go with the flow. Perhaps what I say is already what you know very well but let me share with you something that you perhaps have not heard as of yet. Here I go as much as we try and face the unknown and take ourselves outside the comfort zone there is only so much that can be done, this is has to do with the brain wanting to be in equilibrium all the time. The way I see it is the brain has made necessary calculations and has figured that the unknown is too much of a risk, you see if there is much that is unknown about what you are about to do then the brain cannot calculate what risk is involved effectively as so your brain’s equilibrium is at considerable risk, without any knowledge about the extent to which your brain will experience a change certain survival mechanisms are now in danger. Therefore, I believe the brain avoids the unknown because there is an unknown level of danger and risk involved, to which the brain cannot measure the outcome of risk versus reward will be, in the end the brain determines that it would be better to not take the chance at all.

Oh bother! Could our avoidance of the unknown truly be overcome? Do we have the power within us to push ourselves through the mental barriers that prevent us from facing the unknown? Most of all, do we have the courage to face the unknown and find that little bit of courage buried somewhere deep within our minds? Perhaps we do indeed have that courage necessary to face the unknown but then why are so few people facing the unknown? Why do most people stick with what they know well and what they know is safe? Perhaps what we know well within our comfort zones can be seen as the easy life and we all like what is easy, this is perhaps the very reason why those that take on challenges end up being very successful in life, perhaps even fulfilled beyond what most people are. What separates them from us? Have they perhaps learned to overcome their fears by realizing that their fears are exaggerated and misleading? Perhaps all our fears are posing as mountains when in actual fact they are merely mole hills, that when faced can easily be traversed with one easy leap. Sure, one might say this is all too easily said than done and of course you would be right, what might work for me might not work for you at all so I shall hold my tongue and avoid handing out advice on how you could best overcome your hurdles. Life at the end of the day is the school of hard knocks and you sit at the front of the classroom receiving the brunt of life, as do we all. This is the position best taken up when one decides to face life and not run in cowardice. To be a hero to oneself, is that not the greatest thing that anyone could ever do? Perhaps by saving yourself first you will now be in a position to save others from the fiery mess they find themselves in.


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